Virtual World: How the Pandemic Helped Launch Us Into the Future

5 min readJun 11, 2021

Since the creation of the internet, the world has been moving online. Sometimes the transition was slow, and other times, it leaped ahead. While the shift had been somewhat more gradual in recent years, the pandemic helped to once again give the movement a large shove forward. While most of us hope that the transition from an analog world to a digital one won’t be complete, there are many innovations that the majority will still embrace.

One of the changes brought about by the pandemic that many people embraced was a large change in the way we work. Between working from home, and virtual corporate events, the change has been a welcome one by many, who have found themselves able to focus more on other aspects of their lives.

Shrinking the World

Some events will always be better live. Watching a baseball game at the stadium is certainly a better experience than watching it on television. Even if you could watch the game in a full 3D virtual setting, it wouldn’t be the same as being there. There would be some advantages, like not having to worry about the guy sitting behind you spilling his beer on you. However, losing a chance to catch a foul ball would be a poor tradeoff for a true fan.

Unfortunately, going to an event live is not always possible. There are many geographical complications, and of course, there are still restrictions related to the pandemic in many areas. If fans could have experienced a baseball game in virtual reality while the stadiums were all closed to fans, that would have been a far better option than watching an empty stadium on TV.

While you can’t get the full experience of being there live, a virtual event does create a better environment than any previous options for those unable to enjoy an event in person. While we will likely have to wait a little longer for a hybrid event, like a live baseball game that you can experience through virtual reality, the options for a fully virtual event are quite exciting. Panda MR invites you to try our virtual event platform to see the exciting options available.

Benefits of a Virtual Work World

When it comes to the work world, however, the situation is a little different. While some people love their jobs, the majority of the population work to live rather than live to work. For the latter group, a shift to a digital workspace is nearly all pros with minimal cons. A few of the greatest benefits that people are experiencing are:

● Extra free time

● Saving money

● More time with family

● Less stress

● Tearing down geographical barriers

Many of these benefits are interconnected and have completely changed the way people live their lives.

Extra Free Time

People devote a large portion of their lives to work. Full-time workers spend 40 hours or more working every week while often spending an hour or two commuting each day. The commute for some is even longer.

There has been much debate about the 40-hour workweek for a while. Many have suggested that employees can accomplish just as much in a 30-hour workweek while experiencing a bump in their quality of life. However, there wasn’t nearly as much talk about eliminating commutes. However, then the pandemic came along and forced the hand of many companies.

Now that many people have begun working from home, they find themselves with several additional hours of free time each week, since they are no longer spending time traveling to and from work.

Saving Money

Cutting out the commute also saves employees money. For some, it is the cost of gas and additional routine maintenance on their car. For others, it is no longer having to pay a monthly pass for public transportation.

However, cutting the commute is not the only way in which people are saving money. One of the largest savings that parents of young children are experiencing is a reduction in childcare costs. In single-parent homes or two-parent households where both parents work, paying for childcare during the working day has always been a costly venture.

More Time With Family

Parents working from home are not only saving a fortune on childcare costs, but they are also getting a lot more time to spend with their children. Between cutting the commute and being at home during the workday, many parents are finding that they are able to be much more involved in the lives of their kids.

Less Stress

Between the diminished cost of working from home, the extra time at-home workers have on their hands, and being able to avoid fighting traffic, people are faced with a lot less stress in their daily lives.

Tearing Down Geographical Barriers

With jobs where employees can work from home, there is no longer a restraint imposed by geography. Employees don’t have to worry about the proximity of their home to their workplace. People who live in areas with few opportunities for employment in their field don’t have to worry about moving in order to find work if their vocation can be performed remotely.

A Welcome Change for People Who Struggle With Crowds

Another benefit of a shift to virtual events and virtual work is that it can be more inclusive. People who struggle in crowds for one reason or another can relax while working from home or attending an event where they can unplug at any moment.

A large portion of the population has difficulty with crowds. Having the option to participate in a large event through a virtual platform helps these people to have experiences that in the past were not available to them.

The digital revolution has helped to make the world a lot smaller and more inclusive. While there have been some negatives, like most forms of progress, it is a matter of two steps forward and one step back. It is a slow process, but overall the creation of a virtual world has helped to make the real world better.

